
Alfredo Morresi

Alfredo Morresi

Developer Relations @ Google

I love to help people get things done, leading teams at the intersection of community, technology, and fun. Community builder and developer by passion, Developer Relation @ Google by profession. The learn-build-share loop is my mantra, and I love being a dad, free-software, running on the beach, snowboarding. I relentlessly train myself in preparing (and eating) Tiramisù. I’m definitely yellow.

Soumaya Erradi

Soumaya Erradi

Lead Software Developer

I’m Soumaya Erradi and I’m a software developer and an IT teacher. I’m high skilled in web development (frontend and backend), specialized in developing enterprise applications using Angular. Currently, I’m working as frontend lead developer in a team focused on blockchain app development. I’m also holding coding courses and meetups to deepen technical and business issues related to Blockchain and Smart Contracts. As a speaker at conferences I bring advanced Angular topics, tips for the integration of smart contracts and best solutions for decentralized applications and web3.

Federico Fioriti

Federico Fioriti

General Director @ Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti dell'Aquila | Managing Director @ Innovalley Open Innovation Hub
Cesare De Sanctis

Cesare De Sanctis

Team Leader & Senior .Net Developer @ Lynx s.p.a.
Juna Salviati

Juna Salviati

Riccardo Solazzi

Riccardo Solazzi

Software engineer @ Revolt Srl

Hello there! Riccardo, also known as TheZal here! I’m the guy behind the code at Revolt Srl, and I’m all about writing awesome code and spreading the open source love. You might have stumbled upon my corner of the internet – thezal.dev. That’s where I hang out and chat with fellow developers. I write about coding tips, cool tricks, and the latest trends to keep everyone in the loop. But wait, there’s more to me than just coding! I’m a massive Marvel Comics fan – superheroes and their journeys truly light up my day. And guess what? I’m also a Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast. I get to be both the player and the master of epic adventures, fueling my creativity and thinking outside the box. Open source is where it’s at for me. I believe in working together to make software better for everyone. I get my hands dirty by actively contributing to open source projects, because collaboration is what drives real progress.

Nicola Guglielmi

Nicola Guglielmi

GDE Cloud • Google Cloud Architect • Google Cloud Authorized Trainer • Team Manager • GDG Community Lead 🚀

I started my first computer at 10 and I never stopped researching and learning each single day from then. I’m a technology enthusiast, not meaning only the IT ones but every product of the mind that extends human abilities to solve a problem. I love solve problems, I can safely say that is what I’m doing since I started to work, and perhaps before.In the last few years I investigated the effectiveness of team management and the extraordinary results that a well motivated and focused team can reach. As a matter of fact, I learned every day how to effectively manage resources, how to resolve issues to build great teams and keep it running at the best.

Federica Trevisan

Federica Trevisan

Google Summer of Code '21

After graduating in Data Science and Business Informatics at the University of Pisa, Federica contributed to the Google Summer of Code project for the Open Bioinformatics Foundation. You can find her biking or collecting trash in the Venetian lagoon with a stand-up paddle.

Fabio Biondi

Fabio Biondi

Microsoft MVP | Google Expert in Angular

Fabio Biondi, Microsoft MVP e Google Developer Expert, è uno sviluppatore freelance con più di 15 anni di esperienza nella creazione di applicazioni web enterprise. Speaker in numerosi eventi front-end, ha inoltre fondato diverse community italiane che si occupano di Javascript, Angular e React (~30000 membri). Attualmente si occupa principalmente di formazione e consulenza su JS, TS, Angular, React, Redux, NGRX, Next e RxJS.

Sasha Denisov

Sasha Denisov

EPAM Systems, Chief Software Engineer, Flutter and Dart GDE

Aleksandr is an experienced software developer with a rich background, in IT for more than 20 years. He worked with different stacks in backend, frontend and mobile fields, but since 2018 his main interest is Flutter. Aleksandr is a Flutter and Dart GDE and Head of Flutter Discipline in EPAM Systems. Co-Organizer of Flutter Berlin Meetup community.

Mircha D'Angelo

Mircha D'Angelo

Athomos Srl, Senior Full-stack Developer

Curious about everything around him, especially boxes with levers, lights, and sounds. A cybernaut since the days of BBS and interested in all topics related to cybersecurity. Passionate and expert Full-Stack Developer, currently employed at one of the leading Italian hosting providers.

Noemi Surricchio

Noemi Surricchio

Frontend Developer @ AESYS
Jai Campbell

Jai Campbell

SRE | Wipro Digital

Hi, my name is Jai, I am a software engineer and active member of various technical communities varying from Women Techmakers, open source enablement and visibility, GDG and GDE. I work mainly on GCP application and infrastructure modernisation projects for all types of organisations. I have been working in financial services for the last 3 years as an SRE/Architect enabling clients to move existing and deploy new workloads into the Cloud.

Giovanna Reggina Galleno Malaga

Giovanna Reggina Galleno Malaga

Technical Project Manager & Soft Skills Specialist

Giovanna is a Technical Project Manager in BIP xTech. She worked in the European Google Developer Relations team as a Senior Program Manager where she fell in love with the tech world.

Her background as a Soft Skills Specialist allowed her to build a sustainable career by creating and engaging in trustworthy relationships with internal and external stakeholders. In addition, in the last 4 years, she has been building her data and cloud skills.

Giovanna is a highly motivated and results-oriented person. She is also a team player, a great communicator, and passionate about making a difference by matching technology & soft skills.

On the other hand, she is a community lover and always looks forward to collaborating to help others sharpen their skills.

Fluent in: Italian, English, and Spanish.

Stefano D'Alessandro

Stefano D'Alessandro

CEO e Founder @Suredi | Startup Mentor | Aspirante Full Stack Entrepreneur

Sono Laureato in Informatica e lavoro nel mondo IT da oltre 10 anni. Dal 2016 sono un Imprenditore Digitale, CEO e Founder di Suredi, azienda che nasce con l’obiettivo di progettare e sviluppare prodotti digital memorabili!

Sono inoltre Co-Founder della Community pescarese Lean Startup Lab che si occupa di far incontrare talenti (Sognatori, Innovatori, Marketers, Sviluppatori, Designer, Imprenditori) e diffondere la metodologia Lean Startup, utile per chi vuole sviluppare un’idea e trasformarla in business evitando sprechi di risorse.

Le mie 3 parole preferite? “SI PUÒ FARE!” Ma che cosa si può fare? Beh, crearsi il proprio spazio nel mondo, raccontare la propria storia, sfruttare le proprie passioni ed ambizioni, con curiosità, fame e voglia di fare…cercando di contribuire, con il proprio fare, a rendere il mondo un posto migliore.

Perché troverai online delle mie foto con una mela? :D Se sei curioso, te lo racconterò di persona!

Enrico Giacomazzi

Enrico Giacomazzi

Freelance full stack developer

Sviluppatore freelance full stack (tecnologie principali: .NET, Nodejs, Angular, React) Formatore aziendale Docente post-diploma

Michela Bertaina

Michela Bertaina

Community Manager EMEA @ Codemotion| TEDx Cuneo & Italian Community Manager Summit Organizer | WTM Ambassador | GDG Bari Lead | Tourism Councilor @ Cissone

Community lover and Latin American dancer. In 2017 she began her journey within the tech communities. Currently lead in the GDG Bari, WTM Ambassador, organizer in ICM Summit, lead of the partnership team of TEDxCuneo, tourism councilor of Cissone and in the core team of DInA Tech Hub. Diversity, accessibility, sharing and collaborating are the values ​​on which her projects are based, which she carries out with enthusiasm and great energy.

Here are more info about me: https://bit.ly/pantarei-mb-en

Claudio Martini

Claudio Martini

Product Manager in Ready2Use di “SOPHIA” - Piattaforma di Supporto alle Decisioni

Claudio Martini, è oggi Product Manager di sistemi di Supporto alla Decisione (DSS) presso Ready2use S.r.l. Con trent’anni di esperienza internazionale nel mondo ICT come manager, consulente e imprenditore su strategia e prodotti/servizi digitali, ha partecipato in start-up, progetti e aziende in Italia, Europa Centrale e Orientale e America Latina. Negli ultimi dieci anni si è dedicato alla consulenza per la trasformazione digitale per i settori media, bancario e finanziario, a sistemi di analisi comportamentale su canali digitali, e a sistemi di Supporto alla Decisione per diversi ambiti di mercato. È anche musicista, ma questa è un’altra storia. Aiuta a rilassare la mente.

Paolo Melchiorre

Paolo Melchiorre

CTO @ 20tab
Ivan Nardini

Ivan Nardini

Google Cloud - Customer Engineer - Smart Analytics, AI and ML

Ivan Nardini is a customer engineer specialized in Smart Analytics, AI/ML and MLOps at Google Cloud. He is currently collaborating and enabling Data Science developers and practitioners to define and implement AI/ML applications on Vertex AI. His goal is to transform models into assets for companies using Vertex AI. Ivan is passionate about music and he is planning to start drumming again after a long time.

Laura Morinigo

Laura Morinigo

Software Developer , Mentor & Entrepreneur

Laura is a software developer, advocate, and mentor. She has been involved in the tech industry for over 10 years, working as a full-stack developer and getting involved with education projects teaching coding in cities like New York and Buenos Aires. She has been recognized as a Google Developer Expert and a Woman Techmakers Ambassador, as a mentor she helped startups participating in accelerator programs like Google Launchpad and the World Food Programme by the United Nations. Currently, she is a web developer advocate for Samsung Internet at Samsung Research Institute UK where the team contributes to open source projects, builds demos and participates in conferences getting the word out about advanced web features helping web developers to create great and more inclusive web apps.

Marco Ippolito

Marco Ippolito

Developer Experience Engineer @NearForm | Node.js core member

With years of experience in designing, developing and testing high scalability and distributed cloud applications, I’m committed to contributing to open source projects and helping the Node.js community grow. Currently serving as a maintainer of Node.js, Fastify and Mercurius and a member of the security work group

Camillo Bucciarelli

Camillo Bucciarelli

Technical manager @ Sopra Steria

Passionate about technology work in the IT industry since 2015. From Android through the web to Flutter helps companies to get their target.

Moreno Mazzocchetti

Moreno Mazzocchetti

Freelance Developer
Fabio Carusi

Fabio Carusi

Data Engineer @Capgemini

Aspirante Nerd, Data Engineer per lavoro, sviluppatore per passione, pigro per natura

Giampaolo Fiorentino

Giampaolo Fiorentino

Chief Artificial Intelligence & Data Strategy Officer @ Frontiere

Sono un ingegnere informatico con oltre vent’anni di esperienza nell’Information Technology. Negli ultimi anni, ho guidato progetti di ricerca, soprattutto europei, focalizzati inizialmente sulla ricerca di base in ICT e successivamente sull’applicazione di tali risultati. Ho sempre avuto un forte interesse e coinvolgimento nei temi legati all’Intelligenza Artificiale e nel Data Startegyi. Attualmente, tra le altre cose, collaboro in ambito sperimentale con alcune università, tra cui l’Università di Napoli, e con aziende come Terna ed Enel, partecipando attivamente a studi e ricerche di rilievo.”

Lorenza De Berardinis

Lorenza De Berardinis

Business Analyst @ AESYS
Gabriele Santomaggio

Gabriele Santomaggio

Senior Member of Technical Staff In Vmware.

Developer, speaker, 99.9% open-source code.
RabbitMQ team. Codemotion Ambassador.

Piergiuseppe Lacitignola

Piergiuseppe Lacitignola

Game Design Teacher @ Scuola Internazionale di Comics
Francesco Sciuti

Francesco Sciuti

CEO @ Devmy - Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, Google Certified Developer & AWS UG Lead

Francesco (Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, Google Certified Developer & AWS UG Lead), is a programmer with several years of experience in enterprise programming , high skilled in web development (frontend and backend) and in team project management.

I have a keen interest in new technologies and in IT development and I’m always upgrading and evaluating my knowledge and skills to stay at the cutting-edge of web development.

My outstanding verbal and written communication skills let me involved in lots of meetings, workshop and courses both in Sicily and in Italy as a speaker and tech event organizer.

Focused on continual professional and technological improvement: books, courses, articles, forums and regular attender of tech events where I can meet new and interesting people with which exchange as much as possible ideas and technical knowledge.

I want to put myself in challenges both in the personal and professional side and this is way I’m involved ,as an active contributor, in many Italian communities (Angular ,React, Javascript ,GDG, PUG, etc…) and I contribute as a counselor to CoderDojo Foundation (Computational youth learning).

I’ve worked for a long time as a employee and then as a freelancer, but nowadays I has my own company: Acadevmy – Software Factory, founded with my friends Andrea and Salvo.

Michelantonio Trizio

Michelantonio Trizio

CTO @ Wideverse

Engineer & Digital entrepreneur. I took the master degree in computer engineering with a thesis on AI at Polytechnic University of Bari in 2007. I worked for several years in ICT companies in Italy as a backend software developer. I attended the Mind The Bridge startup school in San Francisco in 2011. Back in Italy I started working on my own companies. Now, I’m the CTO of Wideverse, a spin-off of the Polytechnic University of Bari that works on XR technologies. In addition I’m the founder and the current lead of Google Developer Group Bari community and Content manager for Codemotion Italian conferences. I’m a public speaker globetrotter nerd with the passion for photography, SUP, running and Rock. BBQ and IPA beers addicted.

Edoardo Dusi

Edoardo Dusi

Developer Relations Engineer @ SparkFabrik

Edoardo is a Developer Relations Engineer at SparkFabrik, a company that helps organisations build digital products with open source technologies. He has a strong software developer and team leader background, working on various projects and platforms. He is passionate about creating and sharing content that educates and inspires other developers, such as tech talks, videos, podcasts, conferences, and more. He enjoys connecting with the developer community and promoting the benefits of open source software.

Michel Murabito

Michel Murabito

Developer Advocate @Mia-Platform

Developer Advocate by day, Developer in the soul, Superhero wannabe by night.

Born in 1986 in Turin and raised in Sicily, he began writing software for fun at the age of 12. Holding the position of Developer Advocate at Mia-Platform, he started his career at 18 as a Software Developer. He’s an avid technology enthusiast who passionately shares insights on creating better products. Between 2021 and 2022, he engaged in 60 speaking engagements across Europe, and he runs the YouTube channel DevelopersLife, boasting 2600 subscribers and a thriving community of over 600 members.

Giorgio Campea

Giorgio Campea

Software Development Specialist @ Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa
Luca Del Puppo

Luca Del Puppo

Senior Software Developer at NearForm

I’m a Senior Software Developer and Microsoft MVP, I love javascript and typescript. In my free time, I love to study new technologies or something about improving myself and do trail running in my love Dolomiti.

Luca Fregoso

Luca Fregoso

Dev Talent Partner @ Codemotion

I’ve been developing since the early 2000s and my passion for networking has led me to manage work teams, projects and training courses. Geek to the core, I am constantly on the lookout for tech news.

Carlo Lucera

Carlo Lucera

HatDroid! - Flutter dev

Known as HatDroid, is a Technology enthusiast, former Android, and now Flutter developer, always in search of new technologies and strategies to improve. Flutter Google Developer Expert and Full-time Flutter Developer @Pvotal technologies and admin for Flutter Italia Developers. Always ready to share his experiences and working hard to help the Developer communities grow.

Paolo Insogna

Paolo Insogna

Node.js Core Member, Staff DX Engineer @ NearForm, Co-founder and Principal Architect @ OramaSearch. RPG/LARPer. Surrounded by lovely chubby cats.

Node.js Core Member, Staff Developer Experience Engineer at NearForm, Co-founder and Principal Architect at OramaSearch, Polyglot Developer. RPG and LARP addicted and nerd on lot more. Surrounded by lovely chubby cats.

Simone Bonfrate

Simone Bonfrate

XR Engineer @ Wideverse

Sono uno sviluppatore Flutter e Mixed Reality, uno studente del Politecnico di Bari e il responsabile del GDG Bari. Amo tenere conferenze per ampliare le mie conoscenze e mi piace correre e andare in bicicletta nel tempo libero. Mi dedico alla condivisione delle sue competenze, all’organizzazione di eventi e all’apprendimento costante per avere un impatto positivo sulla comunità degli sviluppatori.

Stefano Chiccarelli

Stefano Chiccarelli

Partner & CTO @ Aesys Cyber srl
Samuel Roberto

Samuel Roberto

CEO @ Futura-dev
Aurelio Forese

Aurelio Forese

Cloud Engineer @ Netsons s.r.l.

Inizia la propria carriera informatica a 7 anni con un Commodore PC1 che inizia a smontare per capirne il funzionamento. Dopo la laurea in ing. informatica presso l’università La Sapienza Roma, ha ricoperto, negli ultimi 10 anni, diversi ruoli tecnici occupandosi dei vari aspetti relativi a sistemi distribuiti (networking, architetture software). Attualmente ricopre il ruolo di Cloud Engineer presso Netsons guidando il team dedicato allo sviluppo di servizi basati sulle tecnologie cloud più avanzate (E.g. OpenStack e Kubernetes).

Antonio Villanova

Antonio Villanova

Android Engineer @ Globant
Giorgia Di Placido

Giorgia Di Placido

Mobile Developer @ AESYS
Niko Mennucci

Niko Mennucci

Full-stack Developer @ CAMELOT biomedical systems S.r.l.
Jonathan Harel

Jonathan Harel

Cofounder @ Fine

Jonathan is a digital comedian - touching on everything that involves humor, technology and creativity. He is the cofounder of Fine, a company that helps developers build better software, faster; and the creator of “Dark{mode}”: a docu-comedy web series that covers developer experience topics, trends, and best practices.

Keren Kenzi

Keren Kenzi

Senior Software Engineer

Keren is a senior software developer with over a decade of experience in the industry. She holds an M.Sc. in Computer Science and is passionate about React and learning new technologies. Keren volunteers as a program manager at Baot, a community that supports women in R&D in their professional growth. She instructs and inspires people to write blogs in her tech blogging workshops. Keren has experience as a dev community leader and a co-organizer of meetups and events. And in her not-so-spare time, she studies psychology. Her hobbies include drawing, photography, and singing.

Antonio Di Marino

Antonio Di Marino

Chief Delivery Officer @ AESYS
Eleonora Candeloro

Eleonora Candeloro

Project Manager @ AESYS
Mara Marzocchi

Mara Marzocchi

Codemotion Co-founder

Mara è Co-Founder di Codemotion. Da sempre appassionata di tecnologia, in Codemotion si occupa dell’ingaggio della tech community e della relazione con gli sviluppatori e le sviluppatrici. Diversity e inclusion sono la sua missione. Ama gli animali, il franciacorta e suoi gatti (Bart e Lisa).

Santino Caruso

Santino Caruso

Altrama DevOps

sono uno sviluppatore di giorno ed un sistemista di notte, con esperienza nello sviluppo di soluzioni enterprise per il web. Appassionato di nuove tecnologie e di Internet of Things, quando non sto al computer a programmare nuove soluzioni digitali legate al turismo e ai Beni Culturali amo viaggiare tra le bellezze dell’Italia.

Gregorio Palamà

Gregorio Palamà

Senior Cloud Engineer & DevOps @ Lutech
Renan Araujo

Renan Araujo

Flutter engineer

Loves to use programming to create user interfaces. Worked previously with the web and have been in love with Flutter since beta. Created some open-source packages and helped to maintain a couple. Open-source engineer at VGV.

Daniele Favaro

Daniele Favaro

Software Engineer @ EasyPark Group

Based in Stockholm, Sweden, Daniele is working on the Android stack core solutions that millions of drivers use.

He has been working with Android since Gingerbread and Eclipse IDE were a thing. He is co-organizer of the GDG Android Stockholm and DevFest Stockholm.

In his spare time, he loves football and travelling.

Matteo Maria Terzuolo

Matteo Maria Terzuolo

Salty Spaghetti - Dev by day, gamer by night

Flutter Developer that loves to experiment with new technologies and everything that catches my interest

Luca Di Vita

Luca Di Vita

Machine Learning Engineer @ Frontiere

Laureato in Ingegneria Informatica all’Università degli Studi de L’Aquila e appassionato del mondo della ricerca, in particolar modo inerente il Machine Learning e Computazione Evolutiva, lavoro nel mondo IT come Machine Learning Engineer. La mia passione per lo studio e l’accademia mi ha portato nel fantastico mondo dei Dev Talks dove spero di appassionare tanto quanto lo sono io.

Martina Irsuti

Martina Irsuti

Project Manager @ AESYS