Francesco Sciuti

Francesco Sciuti

CEO @ Devmy - Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, Google Certified Developer & AWS UG Lead

Francesco (Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, Google Certified Developer & AWS UG Lead), is a programmer with several years of experience in enterprise programming , high skilled in web development (frontend and backend) and in team project management.

I have a keen interest in new technologies and in IT development and I’m always upgrading and evaluating my knowledge and skills to stay at the cutting-edge of web development.

My outstanding verbal and written communication skills let me involved in lots of meetings, workshop and courses both in Sicily and in Italy as a speaker and tech event organizer.

Focused on continual professional and technological improvement: books, courses, articles, forums and regular attender of tech events where I can meet new and interesting people with which exchange as much as possible ideas and technical knowledge.

I want to put myself in challenges both in the personal and professional side and this is way I’m involved ,as an active contributor, in many Italian communities (Angular ,React, Javascript ,GDG, PUG, etc…) and I contribute as a counselor to CoderDojo Foundation (Computational youth learning).

I’ve worked for a long time as a employee and then as a freelancer, but nowadays I has my own company: Acadevmy – Software Factory, founded with my friends Andrea and Salvo.

18 November 2023

  • 50 min Italian
    🚪 Great Hall

    New Jobs horror stories from developers and recruiters

    Nel processo di hiring, developer e recruiter meritano di vivere un’esperienza appagante basata sulla trasparenza, velocità e rispetto reciproco…spesso però accade l’esatto contrario. In questo panel analizzeremo delle testimonianze particolarmente spaventose da entrambe le parti, per fare un passo avanti a beneficio di tutti.

    Mara Marzocchi

    Mara Marzocchi

    Codemotion Co-founder

    Luca Fregoso

    Luca Fregoso

    Dev Talent Partner @ Codemotion

    Gabriele Santomaggio

    Gabriele Santomaggio

    Senior Member of Technical Staff In Vmware.

    Francesco Sciuti

    Francesco Sciuti

    CEO @ Devmy - Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, Google Certified Developer & AWS UG Lead

19 November 2023

  • 50 min Italian
    🚪 Great Hall

    JavaScript: No ti stai sbagliando, non è un linguaggio single thread!

    Troppo spesso ci si riferisce a JavaScript come ad un linguaggio single thread e questo, altrettanto spesso, non è chiaro quanto sia ormai un retaggio del passato! Da fin troppo tempo ormai sono presenti nel linguaggio (e negli environments) tante caratteristiche che consentono di lavorare multi thread, finalmente alleggerendo (e non di poco) il tanto affaticato main thread. Dai Workers agli Atomics, da alcuni piccoli tricks sino agli SharedArrayBuffers, ci tufferemo in un viaggio che porta JavaScript ad un nuovo livello, così da dire alla prossima occasione: No ti stai sbagliando, JavaScript non è un linguaggio single thread!

    Francesco Sciuti

    Francesco Sciuti

    CEO @ Devmy - Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, Google Certified Developer & AWS UG Lead