Marco Ippolito

Marco Ippolito

Developer Experience Engineer @NearForm | Node.js core member

With years of experience in designing, developing and testing high scalability and distributed cloud applications, I’m committed to contributing to open source projects and helping the Node.js community grow. Currently serving as a maintainer of Node.js, Fastify and Mercurius and a member of the security work group

18 November 2023

  • 50 min English
    🚪 Charms Classroom

    Measuring the Cost of a GraphQL Query

    Developers often make the mistake of centralizing fragment definitions and using them in every query, even when only a subset of attributes is needed. It’s important for GraphQL clients to be mindful of query optimization because the server has to process the client’s query and generate a customized response. If the client’s query isn’t optimized, it can force the server to process unnecessary data, resulting in slower response times. Unfortunately, identifying performance bottlenecks and slow queries, especially in an Apollo Federation architecture, can be quite challenging. In this session, we’ll dive into the reasons why measuring the “cost” of a GraphQL query is not a simple task. We’ll explore how the unique design of GraphQL affects the speed at which it executes a query. You’ll understand why it’s essential for you, as a client, to prioritize query optimization in order to achieve faster and more efficient performance.

    Marco Ippolito

    Marco Ippolito

    Developer Experience Engineer @NearForm | Node.js core member

  • 180 min Italian
    🚪 Divination Classroom

    Your First Node.js Contribution

    Have you ever wanted to contribute to a foundational open source project like Node.js? Maybe you don’t know where to start. Maybe you always assumed that was work reserved for “someone else.” Join experienced contributors who will guide you through your first (or second or third or fourth) commit to the Node.js core. They will be available to help troubleshoot any development environment issues and also to provide guided tours through specific areas of the Node.js core source code. Contributors of all skill levels and experiences are welcome (not every contribution has to be a code change). Come and make your first Node.js core contribution!

    Open source
    Marco Ippolito

    Marco Ippolito

    Developer Experience Engineer @NearForm | Node.js core member

    Paolo Insogna

    Paolo Insogna

    Node.js Core Member, Staff DX Engineer @ NearForm, Co-founder and Principal Architect @ OramaSearch. RPG/LARPer. Surrounded by lovely chubby cats.